
The Application of Computers to Taxonomy by Peter Henry Andrews Sneath

Photograph album entitled, 'The Daily Graphic Plastics Exhibition'

Works photographic negative of coal cutting machine, Seghill Colliery, Northumberland

Thesis entitled: "The Distribution of Electricity in Rural Areas 1926 to 1963 An Investigation"

Survey data for the area of Hodbarrow Mine, Cumberland

Bestemmelse af afledningen i en lang sporisolation ved hjaelp af emperemeter og voltmeter

Folder entitled: "Notes on the Qattara Power Scheme"

PhD thesis entitled: "The Differential Analyser and some applications"

Long service certificate awarded to William Howard

AVRO Manchester Tender Specification

Issue of "The Strand" magazine, March 1921

Master of Technical Science thesis entitled: "History of Fenton Murray & Wood"

Kompleks kompensator, system Gall. Fabrikat H. Tinsley & Co., London. Betjeningsforskrift og beskrivelse

Beregning af lange sporisolationer

Drawing of broad wheeled Sussex waggon as used in the counties Sussex & Kent, Southern England circa 1700-1930

Photograph album of broadcasters and performers at the 2ZY Radio Station

Volume entitled: "Structural Air Raid Protection in England and Abroad"

Works photographic negative of coal cutting machine, Seghill Colliery, Northumberland

1 volume

Manual entitled: "The Manufacture of polyethylene by the ICI process. Volume 1A"

2 items

Booklet and photograph showing forging production processes at Eva Brothers, Ltd.

1 item

Report entitled 'Report on the Engineering Feasibility and Cost of the Channel Tunnel Project'

Some Considerations in Physiological, Whole Body Protection in Intense Noise Fields

1 item

Drawing of Beyer-Garratt Patent Locomotive 6-cylinder (simple)

1 item

Booklet titled "The CEGB and Nuclear Power Questions and Answers"

6 photographs

Photographs of Delage and Rolls-Royce motor cars


Engineering drawing: Wearmouth Bridge, Reconstruction. Sunderland

12 items

Folder of photos entitled '12 Wembley Snapshots'


Bound volume entitled: "History of British Moulded Hose Company Limited"

One of a series of booklets given out during staff training courses held by the company.

The History of AEI

A handwritten letter from J. Evershed to Kate from Australia

Works photographic negative of coal miner, Seghill Colliery, Northumberland

The first locomotive engine built in Manchester the "Experiment" engine as made by Mr Richard Roberts, Manchester in 1833

Facsimile of Isaac Newton's Reflecting Telescope 1671


Engineering drawing of Newcastle-Gateshead Bridge

2 items (32 pages & 24 pages)

Newspaper supplements of the Portsmouth Evening News relating to the Mary Rose ship

A handwritten letter from J. Evershed to Harry, written on Kodaikanal paper

A handwritten letter from J. Evershed to Kate

A typed letter from Mindie to Kate regarding their move back to England

A typed letter from Mindie to Kate regarding returning home

A handwritten letter from Mindie to Kate

A typed letter from J. Evershed to Harry regarding leaving India

A typed letter from J. Evershed to Kate regarding leaving India

A typed letter from J. Evershed to Kate regarding an eclipse expedition

A typed letter from Mindie to Kate regarding their passage home

A typed letter from Mindie to Kate regarding a liquid prism

‘The Proceedings of The Institution of Electrical Engineers’

'Radio Division 37 Staff Statistics'

Pages 195 and 196 of the North Eastern Railway prosthetic limb register, surnames starting with U and V

Pages 191 and 192 of the North Eastern Railway prosthetic limb register, surnames starting with S

Pages 189 and 190 of the North Eastern Railway prosthetic limb register, surnames starting with R